Athletes can benefit greatly from BodyTalk, Accunect™ and CFT sessions. Balancing body-mind-spirit and releasing fascial adhesions/restrictions may help the athlete recover from injuries and illness, fine-tune their performance and increase focus and attention. These techniques are safe, noninvasive and truly integrative. Athletes know their bodies well and know when something is not quite right or that they are not performing at their best. Energy balancing can help to fine-tune the synchronization of the body’s systems, address incompletely healed injuries, aid absorption of hydration and nutrients to all parts of the body and brain, and balance and synchronize the enzyme and hormone levels for a balanced internal chemistry in the body. Energy balancing is wonderful for helping athletes to disempower and release belief systems surrounding performance anxiety. It addresses the tensegrity of the musculoskeletal system so that ‘spring in your step’ returns, with more agile joints and fluid movements. And it helps the integration and assimilation of nutrients that athletes take in so that the body is absorbing all of the necessary nutrition, not just some of it.

Injuries to the head and tailbone can drastically affect the sphenobasilar junction-a winged group of bony plates that sits behind the sinuses and underneath the brain. in the craniosacral complex. Restrictions to this junction significantly affect the flow of lymph, the breath cycles, and communication between the nervous system and body. Symptoms include limited breathing cycle, decreased lung capacity, labored inhalation or exhalation, depression, weight gain, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, foggy thinking, and menstrual irregularities. Everything in your body is connected to everything else through the muscular and fascial systems. However, if the connective tissue heals incorrectly, the scarring can:
-decrease range of motion
-compromise organs and endocrines
-inhibit nerve supply and circulation
-reduce muscle strength
A healthy scar feels soft, flexible and is barely visible (pale in color). An unhealthy scar can be thick, tight, shiny, raised, red or purple in color. It can be tender to the touch, numb or itchy. Internal scars can cause serious problems such as intestinal blockages. They have a profound effect on the flow of acupuncture meridians. These are energy pathways that run through the body. When scarring interrupts that flow, nerve supply and circulation above or below the scar can become affected and become weaker. Energy balancing helps to bridge that interruption, re-establishing the flow so that healing can occur. It is safe and noninvasive and very effective in helping scars to heal!