Conversations with Catharine

  • Collecting Thoughts – and Allowing Yourself to Let Them Go

    “Our greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”  William James Do you find yourself collecting thoughts and thinking that you have to keep them all?  That’s our worry emotion + our left, analyzing brain in overwhelm.  Thousands of thoughts appear every day, sometimes relevant to our tasks, yet many…

  • Welcoming Change and Growth in Personal Relationships

    I was watching Iyanla Vanzant the other day and had a powerful “aha” moment put into the words that are sometimes so hard to say: A man was telling her that he wasn’t sure that he really wanted a relationship with his dad, but that he was 100% sure that he desperately wanted a relationship…

  • How to Make the Day your Friend – Part 3

    If you haven’t already, check out Part 1 and Part 2 of “How to Make the Day Your Friend.” It’s after 5pm and work time is over.  Time to enjoy our evening! Kidney time:  5-7pm Are you tired, feeling worn out at the end of the day?  If you can, take a couple of minutes…

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